Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where are my Treats??

I think as a good girl I deserve to have treats ALL the time.  I think it's mean that mommy only gives them to us sometimes and only a little bit.  I think we should get mountains of them and that we should get them anytime we go looking for them.  I don't think that's so hard to do?  I think I like daddy better with the whole treat thing, he's always giving us treats.  He likes to carry big huge bags of treats, humans call it trail mix, I call it bunny mix! Sometimes both of them can be kinda selfish with the treats though, so I feel I need to go ask for some if they are not just going to bring them to us.  Mommy said we can't have more because we will get sick and we can't have too much sugar because it's bad for us.  No I don't think so, they are so yummy, HOW could they be bad for us??

When we are allows to run around the whole big people house they have this thing they sit on that's called a couch.  Well almost certainly they always have some treats up there, so I learned that if I jump up there sometimes I can get treats real easy.  But they trick me sometimes.  Sometimes I go up there and smell their big human paws and their face but no treats?  Are they just hiding them from me?  I don't find this funny at all.  I think if I jump up on that couch they should right away give me some treats, I mean that's a pretty big jump, I deserve a treat for that right?  But noooo, sometimes they just want to trick me and squish me, they do like to rub my head and ears a lot though, so I do like that part, I just wish they would always give me treats too.  

<3 Dori (the Princess)

Here is me very annoyed because I waited patiently on the couch, and mommy was so mean to not give me treats

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