Monday, August 15, 2011

The Hamster Pinata

Yesterday I saw this little piece of clear thing sticking out from a drawer. I know mommy keeps snacks in there so I thought maybe I should investigate . I told my bud Enkei to come help me check it out. We had to stand up really high to reach it, but between the both us we managed to pull on it enough and stuff started coming out! OH BOY it was yummy stuff too ! All these little different colored treats, and the more we pulled the more stuff came out . Then when mommy came home she came over to pet us as she usually does when she comes home in the afternoons after this thing she calls work. Then she gets mad. She said something about "this is not yours this is the hamster's food!".....I don't even know what a hamster is?? And why do THEY get these yummy treats but we don't ? Then she said something about "this is not your personal pinata"...again, don't know what she is talking about. In any case, she got mad and locked up the goodies so we couldn't reach them anymore =/ it was fun while it lasted I guess.

<3 Dori (the princess)

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