Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where are my Treats??

I think as a good girl I deserve to have treats ALL the time.  I think it's mean that mommy only gives them to us sometimes and only a little bit.  I think we should get mountains of them and that we should get them anytime we go looking for them.  I don't think that's so hard to do?  I think I like daddy better with the whole treat thing, he's always giving us treats.  He likes to carry big huge bags of treats, humans call it trail mix, I call it bunny mix! Sometimes both of them can be kinda selfish with the treats though, so I feel I need to go ask for some if they are not just going to bring them to us.  Mommy said we can't have more because we will get sick and we can't have too much sugar because it's bad for us.  No I don't think so, they are so yummy, HOW could they be bad for us??

When we are allows to run around the whole big people house they have this thing they sit on that's called a couch.  Well almost certainly they always have some treats up there, so I learned that if I jump up there sometimes I can get treats real easy.  But they trick me sometimes.  Sometimes I go up there and smell their big human paws and their face but no treats?  Are they just hiding them from me?  I don't find this funny at all.  I think if I jump up on that couch they should right away give me some treats, I mean that's a pretty big jump, I deserve a treat for that right?  But noooo, sometimes they just want to trick me and squish me, they do like to rub my head and ears a lot though, so I do like that part, I just wish they would always give me treats too.  

<3 Dori (the Princess)

Here is me very annoyed because I waited patiently on the couch, and mommy was so mean to not give me treats

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Scary Sizzle

I don't know why, but sometimes I just get this feeling that I should be very scared by certain things.  I always hear mom saying something about "natural instinct".  Don't know what that is, but if I see or hear some stuff I just feel like I need to run and hide, I just KNOW this stuff is coming to kill me, so I need to protect myself.  Even though she can be kind of annoying with all the constant attention needs of my friend Dori, sometimes it's nice to have here there to comfort me when I have to run and hide from this scary stuff that's out to get me.  She doesn't get scared by this stuff, she just goes over to she's either really brave or really dumb.  Doesn't she realize she could be KILLED??

One of the scary noises is this stuff that goes "ssssszzzzcracklesssszzz", mom says it's the pan sizzling.  Pan for what?? To cook us? Heck no, that's why I run to make sure we don't end up in there and the sizzle doesn't get me!  Mom always says "Aw Enkei, why are you scared? You don't have to be scared, it's just dinner cooking, nothing is coming to get you".  But I don't know, she is nice enough to feed us and all, but I'm not sure I totally trust her on this.  So even if I'm really hungry and in the middle of dinner, if I hear that scary sizzle, I will run and hide! My living is much more important than some veggies.....but then of course fatty Dori then swoops in and eats my food.....sigh, I just can't win around here.

***Enkei (NOT the Lazy One)

Here I am hiding from the scary sizzle, and my friend Dori trying to console me

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Bottomless Bun

Well Dori was finally kind enough to tell me she made this blog for us to talk about our stuff we do everyday and talk about reasons mom gets mad at us.  Well I have to say something about my dear friend Dori.  Sometimes I think she's kind of a jerk....but then I think maybe she just has an eating problem?  We get yummy veggies in the morning after our night nap and in the night before our night nap.  Sometimes I'm really hungry and sometimes I'm not, so when I'm not hungry anymore I stop eating, but I think well I can just eat what's left over later, but that never happens.  Why? Because Dori is like a food monster!  If there is any food leftover she will eat all of it, every little piece.  And sometimes if I don't eat fast enough she takes food from MY bowl.  That's why I think she's a little jerk, but then I wonder if she has that eating problem I was talking about.  But it makes me kind of mad because when I hop away wanting to eat my food later, I look back and see her eating it, I just can't win >:-(.......little jerk

***Enkei (NOT The lazy one)

Look, see what I mean? 

Impossible Water Consumption

This morning mommy got a little mad again. Me and Enkei have 2 water bowls that are hanging on the side of these wired bar thingies. That water is just so difficult with me sometimes though, I try to drink and drink, but it just won't go in my mouth fast enough, doesn't it know I'm thirsty?! So to help it go faster I try to pull the bowl with my teeth, maybe if I pull on it then it will go faster. But again mommy yells "Dori NO, look you spilled water everywhere!" Well hmph, then that water should cooperate with me . I don't see what the big deal is it's just water, even if I spill it, more of it always magically appears again, so it's not like its going to run out.....whatever mommy.

<3 Dori (the princess)

On Top of the World!

This morning me and Enkei were all refreshed from our night naps and I started looking around waiting for mommy to come and give us our breakfast. I decided to do some investigating, there was this big thing on top of our hay box that mom calls a "fan" that she just moved away because she said it wasn't hot anymore. Well when she moved it I saw there was a flat space there, so I thought I'd just explore and see what was up there . Turns out I was able to jump up there with no problem. Then as I looked up higher to the set of drawers where our goodies are kept, I realized I could jump on top of that too ! It was so cool, I was up high and I could see our whole play area from up there. But when I jumped up there our food bowls fell to the ground, I guess that's where mommy puts them when we are not using them. But they were in my way, I had to push them. So mommy comes out of the big people litter box and there she goes getting mad. She looks at me and yells DORI! then comes and grabs me and puts me back down into our play pen. I don't understand what I did wrong ? I heard her say something about "you are going to break your leg" but I'm a good jumper, I'm sure I wasn't going to break anything. But she also said "you broke your bowl!" Oops, I didn't mean to, how was I supposed to know it was going to break ?

She always seems to be yelling "Dori no!" but she doesn't yell at Enkei as much, maybe because he's not as fun as me, he's just lazy, I shouldn't be punished because I'm such an adventurous fun girl, I'm a good girl

<3 Dori (the princess)

My lazy friend Enkei, who never seems to get in trouble for anything!

The Hamster Pinata

Yesterday I saw this little piece of clear thing sticking out from a drawer. I know mommy keeps snacks in there so I thought maybe I should investigate . I told my bud Enkei to come help me check it out. We had to stand up really high to reach it, but between the both us we managed to pull on it enough and stuff started coming out! OH BOY it was yummy stuff too ! All these little different colored treats, and the more we pulled the more stuff came out . Then when mommy came home she came over to pet us as she usually does when she comes home in the afternoons after this thing she calls work. Then she gets mad. She said something about "this is not yours this is the hamster's food!".....I don't even know what a hamster is?? And why do THEY get these yummy treats but we don't ? Then she said something about "this is not your personal pinata"...again, don't know what she is talking about. In any case, she got mad and locked up the goodies so we couldn't reach them anymore =/ it was fun while it lasted I guess.

<3 Dori (the princess)